How To Wear A Bracelet

Ah, the bracelet. It’s an accessory simultaneously adorable and elegant, adorning the wrists of women and girls the world over.
Did you ever make cute beaded bracelets with your friends growing up? Do you sometimes wonder how to pair them with your outfits now that you’re an adult? Learning how to wear a bracelet is like riding a bike: you never truly forget.
The function of a bracelet, at its core, is to bring out the little details of your personality. From unique bracelet styles to different fashion movements, we’re going to break down how to get the most out of your bracelet.
Why Are Bracelets Still So Popular?
Did you know the American jewelry market makes nearly $63 billion every year? People today are hungry for fashion that speaks to the deepest parts of themselves.
The online jewelry market segment, in particular, has seen some pretty impressive growth despite the pandemic. Jewelry is an easy purchase to make online due to having less wiggle room for errors. Compare that to skinny jeans, which are one of the most painful items to purchase in the fashion world.
Bracelets are twinkly, jingling fun that add a pop of flavor to a wide variety of looks. With watches more outdated thanks to our phones, our wrists are still craving a way to express themselves. Does that mean you shouldn’t scrutinize your next bracelet purchase?
Not quite. There are a few things you should keep in mind before hitting that purchase button.
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Number One: Not All Wrists Are Made Equal
Nothing is more disappointing than purchasing jewelry that just doesn’t fit. While necklaces and earrings have more wiggle room, bracelets can be a touch tricky.
You don’t want a bracelet that falls off your hand at the slightest twitch. You’ll spend more time monitoring your every movement instead of having fun! If you have very thin and bony wrists, be mindful of the size you’re buying: you might be better off with a stretchy or clingy bracelet instead of one that dangles.
On the other hand, if you have thicker wrists, you should steer clear of thin and form-fitting models. Go for loose, jangling varieties that will give your wrists some breathing room while still looking cute.
This isn’t just a functional tip: it’ll go a long way to making your accessories appear comfortable instead of awkward.
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Want to know how to elevate your next look? LaCkore Couture is proud to provide today’s fashionistas with the very best in stunning, handcrafted creations.

Number Two: Learn the Different Bracelet Types
One woman’s favorite bracelet is another woman’s fashion faux pas. Learning different bracelet types is a visual language you’ll be glad you studied up on.
Just like it’s important to get comfortable with different necklace lengths and types, so too does your bracelet have some complexity to it. Below is a basic breakdown of the bracelets you can expect to find during your browsing session.
Sturdy and stiff, these iconic accessories have been around for thousands of years.
While they’re commonly found in bold gold and silver, they can also come in colorful varieties. Bangles create incredibly bold statements and are perfect for artsy, bohemian, and rock and roll looks. However, they don’t have a lot of wiggle room and can become uncomfortable if they aren’t the perfect size.
Bangles come in porcelain, royal, and zodiac forms, defined by their materials and artistic inspirations.
Charm Wires
The charm wire is the opposite of a bangle, a thin and delicate creation favored by minimalist fashion styles everywhere.
When you don’t want your accessories to overshine the focus of your outfit, this should be your go-to choice. They offer a subtle glitter that only barely lifts off your wrist, blending in with your carefully coordinated outfit perfectly. Once you become comfortable distinguishing between sterling silver and white gold, the fashion world will become your oyster.
Bracelets similar to charm wires include wraps, ropes, and cross bracelets.
These bracelets embody multiple sensations all at once. They’re cute and casual, but also elegantly spirited. Depending on the materials you choose, you can invoke all sorts of meaning.
Beaded bracelets, particularly made with stretchy materials, are one of the more flexible options on this list. Take your time sifting through the wealth of designs the beaded bracelet category can embody. The Boat Day bracelet is one way you can show your love of the ocean without clashing with your carefully coordinated colors.
These categories include:
- Star and moon charms
- Colorful beads
- Quartz chunks
- Seashells (also known as ‘nautical’)
- Ornate designs
Try your hand at beaded wraps or bohemian if you want a thicker, more complex model. Bracelet stacks are the best way to combine your different tastes together in one dazzling look!
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Should Bracelets be Tight or Loose?
The best fit for a bracelet allows movement but doesn’t slide off your hand. An easy test to see if the fit is correct is to place one or two fingers between the bracelet and your arm. If you can, then the bracelet is a good fit. If you can get too many fingers underneath it, it’s way too loose and will probably slide off your hand or annoy you until you rip it off.
If you can’t get your fingers underneath, then the bracelet is way too tough. If you like bondage and losing circulation to your wrist, by all means, leave it on. But most people will agree that the bracelet is too tight and won’t look good. Think Chris Farley in a little coat.
Can You Wear a Bracelet with Long Sleeves?
This mostly comes down to your sleeve length. You want the bracelet to be at the end of your sleeve as an accent. So if the sleeve is too long, the bracelet won’t work. However, a delicate bracelet under a coat sleeve does give off a hint of bling if you wear it right.
Be careful not to stack bracelets with long sleeves. Your arm will just look cluttered. When it comes to long sleeve lengths, less is more. So don’t overdo it.
Which Hand is Best for a Bracelet?
You will want to wear bracelets on your less dominant hand. This way, the jewelry won’t impede your ability to do things and will be more protected from damage from use. But these are practical reasons.
You should wear a bracelet on your left hand to encourage positive energy. The left side of your body is connected to your internal healing and self. So a bracelet on the left arm blocks negative energy and promotes good luck.
Tips for Wearing Bracelets on Both Arms
If you like wearing bracelets on both arms together, here are a few styling tips to elevate your look:
- Mix and match complementary bracelets for variety and to create a visual focal point.
- Try not to mix metals because it looks more hodge-podge than chic.
- Make sure the bracelets fit the vibe of your outfit but don’t match exactly. You want to create contrasts and pops of color and interest.
- Keep it simple. You want to make a statement but not be too much. Editing your look and accessories is critical. If you choose a statement bracelet, don’t pair it with anything else.
- When stacking bracelets, create a focal point with one of the bangles.
How to Wear a Bracelet with a Watch
If you like wearing a watch, we have a couple of styling tips when pairing your watch with a bracelet. First, you need to ensure the bracelet complements your watch’s style. You don’t want to be too eclectic with mix match style.
If you prefer wearing your watch on your dominant hand, you’ll want to wear bracelets on your other arm. You generally don’t want to wear bracelets on the same arm as your watch, especially in a formal or business setting.
Do you need a bracelet refresh? Shop LaCkore’s bracelet new arrivals that are sure to turn heads.
Related Link: How to Make a Beaded Bracelet
Links and Chains
Last, but certainly not least, we have the links and chains of the bracelet world. These elaborate knots are well-known attention grabbers due to their shiny, knitted designs.
More minimalist styles should steer clear of links and chains, but fans of street fashion will be right at home. Pick from silver, gold, or rose gold to start with, then consider branching out with more burnished appearances.
If you’re feeling extra creative, pair links and chains with bangles for a powerful look that’ll turn heads!

Pairing Bracelets With the Rest of Your Closet
Pairing Bracelets With the Rest of Your Closet
Accessorizing is a bucket of fun. Bracelets are the perfect addition to just about any type of jewelry, from gold bands to long necklaces.
Effective ways to mix and match your jewelry box is through color, size, and style. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by choice fatigue, go for the basics and match your bracelets with a pair of gold hoop earrings. These are an ancient favorite that many fashionistas default to when they want a bold statement with little effort.
Ready to get started on your bracelet journey? Visit the LaCkore shop to start branching out your fashion vocabulary with artful bracelet stacks and charms.